Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

of Herself Stomach Was Too Weak to Retain Food A Completo Curo- Effected 1 Hood's Sarsaparilla Now Enjoying tho Best of. Health, With Digestion Perfoct. "My mother was subject. to sick headaches and indigestion for over a year. She was unable to stand for any length of time, and was obliged to stay in a dark room as she could not bear the light.

She had no appetite whatever and her stomach was so weak she could not retain what food she did eat. She also had severe pains in her head. She suffered. so much that she became but the shadow of herself. One day I bappened to read a teetimonial about Hood's Sarsaparilla.

It -Sounded -So-Truthful I persuaded her to try this medicine. Before finishing the first bottle there was an improvement in her condition. She no longer threw up her food and her headache was not as severe. She took in all four bottles of Hood's. Sarsaparilla and several boxes of Hood's Pills regained her weight.

She is now enjoying the best of health. Her digestion is good and she can eat almost anything she wishes. She is 42 years old and says she feels as well as when she was 18. Hood's Sarsaparilla made a completo cure in her case." MISS MARY MASCARIE, Ironton, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the fact the One.

True Blood Purifer. Prepared only by C. I. Hood Lowell, Mass. Hood's Pills the easy best operate.

family 25c. cathartic, Health is Wealth. ONE DR. E. C.

WEST'S NERVE AND. BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL, ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, La sold under positive Written Guarantee, by authorized agents only, to cure Weak Memory, Quickness, Dizziness, Night Lossee, Evil Dreame, Lack of Conf. Wakefulneen, Fita, Hysteria, dence, Nervousness, Lassitude, all Drains, Opium, Youthful Errors, or Excessive Use of Tobacco, or Insanity Liquor, and which Death. leads At to store Misery, or by mail, $1 a Consumption, box: six for with written gn to age, cure or containing rofund five days' money. treatment, with full Sample instructions, 25 centa.

One sample only sold to each person. At store or by mail. Red a Label Special Extra Strongth. For Impotency, Loan of Power, Lost Manhood, Sterility or Barrenness $1 a box; sir for $5, with written guarantee to cure in 30 At storer BEFORE or by mail. A AFTER sale at Postofice Drug Store Marion.

W. H. BOBBITT. M. Physician and Surgeon.

618 South Washington SPECIALTY, and Diseases of Women. 100 per Pound, GO lbs 250. -Of-Wennice, Bologna, Liyer Pudding, Smoked Sausage, Pork Sausage, Pork Roast, Pork Side? Ham and Bacon equally cheap. All kinds of fresh, salt. and smoked meat.

Pure Lard, 3 1-2 lbs, 25c. A. Barman 3105-South Washington -Street. To Organized Labor Attention! The only Union Merchant Tailors in Marion and Gas City are the following: Saylor the Taylor. W.A.

Pow-ere, 0. Ciminio, Gas. -B -J. Sullivan. All Others Are Non-Union.

Fine 98 Cents Photos Cabinet At Washington and 6th St. Studio Tourie: Excursion Hates, Clover. Leaf will issue reduced rate excursion tickets from, tions to various resorts east and west, and Upper Lake points. Special low rates to camping out parties. For further particulars call on agent or address, C.

C. JENKINS, Gen. Pass Agt, 09-1t Toledo, Oblo. J. M.

Thirswend, of Grosbeck, that when he has a apell of indigestion. and feels bad and sluggish, he takes two of De Witt's Little Early Risers at night, and he is all right the next morning. Many thousands others do the same thing. Do you? Siddons both stores. CHURCH NEWS.

The following announcements have been made for church services and for other religious meetings to be held in this city: by EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN The Evangelical Lutheran church, corner Fourteenth and Gallatin streets -German service Sunday morning at 10:30: Sunday school at 9:30. English service at 7:30. Everybody welcome. EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCH Corner Adams -and Serenteenth street- -Mission day. All services will be conducted by-Rev.

Winter of Hunt: ington, Ind. be no morning service. mission service will be conducted in the German language at 2:30 p. m. English service.

at 7:30 p. 1 m. All members and' friends 'of the congregation are earnestly requested to be present. MEN'S MEETING. The men's meeting at the Y.

M. C. A. at 4 o'clock will conducted by W. 0.

Anderson, subject "Willing All men are invited. FIRST CHRISTIAN, Corner of Ninth and McClure streets. Regular services Sunday, November 7, as school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching by the pastor Junior Endeavor at 010 p.

m. Senior Endeavor at 6:30. Evening services, preaching by the pastor at 7:30. Every. body invited.

Bring a friend and we will try to make you welcome. H. A. Davis, pastor. FIRST FRIENDS' CHURCH.

First Friends' church, corner Adams and Fifteenth streets, sabbath school at 9:15 a. Jos. W. Parker, Supt. 'reaching at a.m.

and 7:30. Endeavor at 4:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 6 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30.

Monthly business meeting of the church Wednesday at 10:30 a. will be held at Second Friends' church South' Marion: Richard Haworth, pastor. M. P. CHURCH, South Marion.

Sabbath school at 9:30 a.m. Preaching at 10:30 8. m. Subject: "The Utilization of Material and Spiritual Forces." Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.

Preaching at 7:30 Subject: Character of Our Iredeemer." Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30. W. H. Fisher, pastor. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Announcements of the Sunday Services AT VARIOUS PLACES OF WORSHIP.

Texts of the Sermons That Will -be Preaohed in This Oity--Other Regular Meetings to be Held. Corner of Fourth and Nebraska streets. Sunday school at 9:30 8. m. Preaching at 10:30 a.

m. Preaching p. -m. Young- People's meeting 6:30. Rev.

D. R. McGregor, late of Decatur, will preach morning and evening. Lord's Supper will be observed after the morning service. A large attendance of members and friends are A cordial welcome for all.

GETISEMANE CHURCII. Rev. Ernest A. Pressey, rector. Litauy, sermon and celebration of the Holy Communion at 10:45 a.

m. Evening prayer and address at 7:30 p. m. Sunday NINTIL STREET EL CHURCH. Sunday school at 9:30 8.

folflowed by meeting. Junior League at 5 p. m. The Epworth League will meet promptly. at 6:30, led by Jesse.

Faltz. Subject, "The Church; Its Unity of Life, Faith and The pastor will preach at 7:30 m. Subject, "The Tongue." (bring it with you.) This will be the sion for the monthly free will offering on the church debt. We hope all- -our friends who have been saying good words concerning this work handsome in the way of contributions. will be good Prof J.

W. will bave, charge of, the muslo. B. Westha. Sunday evening, All Invited.

E. fer is the pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock 8 stereopticon service will be given on the subject, "The Conversion of Soul and Its Immediate Results." This is the second lecture serwon on the life of St. P'aul.

The illustrations in course will give a clearer outline and idea of the work of the apostle than can be gained in any other way. The pastor will preach tomorrow morning on tho subject, "An Interview With the Resurrected Christ." The. Endeavor meeting at 6:30 p.m. will be Miss Winnie Butler. Topic, "Influence, Why to Get It; How to Get It, and How to Use It." Everybody is invited to attend any of these services.

CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. -Sunday- Morning service at 10:45. Evening service at 7:30. Rev. Levi White will conduct the service in place of Mr.

Comfort. The sacrament of the Lord's Sapper will be observed at the morning service, and all are requested to be present. T. P. A.

Meeting Postponed. The meeting of the directors of the Indiana Traveling Passenger's Assoof ciation will be at Richmond next Saturday, instead of today. Post of this city will be well represented. A NEW FEATURE. 3.0 The Leader -Adopts Metropolitan paper.

Tippecanoe's Anniversary. Methods. It is seldom that a newapaper in a city the size of Marion bas the enter prise to gire its readers atore news as fresh- and, interesting as its local pews. -The -advertising -columns of the are nearly all changed daily, the news of the store is often of great interest to the person who does the buy. ing for.

a There are money saving opportunities offered in almost every advertisem*nt and often they are is for one day only, The advantage secured only by those who keep' posted by reading the advertising columns. If, when purchasers call for the thing advertised they would tell: the clerk where and when the advertisem*nt was seen it would result in a clearer, more definite knowledge of what is, to the live merchant, the hardest problem he has to solve- where his advertising pays and where it is wasto Tell the merchant it will help him and help the Friday was the eighty-sixth anniversary of the battle of Tippecanoe, or Patriotic Day. The day was memorted in the various schools of this county and throughout the state. Special programs were sent out by State ercises in each of the schools would be Superintendent Geeting, that. the similar.

On 0o-operative Plan. Window class workers are considering the advisability of starting several factories og. the co-operative plan. They say the offer made by the manufacturers is. misleading, and they advise them to nail up their doors if they contemplate doing no better.

Sarah Obanges Her Mind. A few days ago. suit for divorce war filed by Sarah J. Patterson against dis- ber busband, Josepb. The suit was missed by the plaintiff Friday at the defendant's expense.

The- Pattersons have patched their differences and will live together. Daily Transfers of Real Estate by The Abstract Office Thom Co. James Estep to James W. lougher, ad to lots 30 ant 2. James Estep's 315 EiTA Copp to Constantine Umuchled, Fair- lot are 30, Henley Brunt's Arst ad to :000 Constantine Umachled to William War- 2500 Edwad ner.

E. name Lespley to George W. Wilson Int: 130, Webster ad to 125 Jainea Marion: Dick to liarriet M. Spaulding. lot 88, Roades to Satantha ades; lat 07, University ad to Upland.

lot Love Same to Margaret O. Roades, 0, LOVE Henry addition A. Woole to Lucy E. McGuff, lot 12, bik 11. Clover Leaf ad to 800 on William H.

A nderron. sw. cor of float, a 1p 20, 5000 acres If you have a few hundred 7 or or 8 a few per thousand dollars to loan at cont. interost, we can mortgage. loan it Call tor at you secured by first THE ABSTRACT OFFICE THOM West.

Side Court A cough is a danger signal of worse and troubles to come. Cure this cough prevent its resulta by using Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. GEMS OF THOUGHT. Happiness is everywhere, and spring is in our own -Ruskin.

Men are. equal; It is not birth, but worth that makes the taire. Sympathy is more than kindness it is kindness that is able to enter into another's feelings, so as in some measure to feel with him. A. Brown.

The art of conversation is to be prompt without being stubborn, to refute without argument, and to clothe great matters in a motley The only falth that wears well and holds its color in all weather is. that which is woven of conviction and with the sharp mordant. of experience. -J. R.

Lowell. -Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind, which are delivered down from generation to generation as presents to the posterity of those who are yet unborn. -Addlson. A small circle of usefulness is not to be despised. At light that doesn't shine beautifully around the family ble at home is not fit to take a long way.

off to do a great service some-. where Hudson Taylor. -Whether -any particular day shall bring to you more of happiness or suffering is largely beyond your power to determine. Whether each day of your lite shall give happiness or suffering rests with yourself. George S.

Merriam. RECENT INVENTIONS. To prevent the stealing of whips from wagons a newly Invented whip socket has a lock- which holds a clamp around the butt of the whip. An Ohio man has Invented a school desk- in which the supports in two sockets in the base to make it- adjustable for large or small pupils. A recently patented nickel-in-the-slot machine polishes shoes, perfumes the clothing, opens a mirror and gives the user a stick of gum in one operation.

To assist in teaching a person to ride a bicycle a pair of handles is attached to the end of the horizontal saddle post, to be, grasped by the teacher to steady the wheel. SOMETHING 4 Large packare of the world's host for a picket: At monomy to package. All Mace THIN N. K. PARRANK COMPANY, Chicago, St phia ICE AND COLD PRUNES BILL OF FARE OF CAPTIVE MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS.

4. Party That Broke Every- Record. and. Trood It, Although It Did'nt- Set Out That Object 1p ed the storm to pass before morning, and then they would descend In safety: They huddled together about from below with cousiderable force. large opening where the There, too, they chatted and made mere Ty A few prunes were half cooked over the steam, and a few hard-tack crackers were softened by holding them where the steam would reach them.

This bill of fare was unchanged ing their stay on the mountain, which lasted three nights and four days. Before the last-day everything had been devoured, and: they were nearly dead when they escaped from their icy prisOn the second day the storm Increased in violeace. The men went I the rim of the crater with the intention Lof seeing if it was not possible for them. tor escape by crawling down the of the mountain. They found force of the wind so great that rolled their bodies back off the like so many straws.

Gradually hunger began to assert -itself, and on third day every prune and every piece hardtack was devoured. The clothes of the members of the- party had come by contact with the and the moist side was turned away from the warmth of the steam molsture turned to frost and Their evenings seemed to take the form of a huge animal with great teeth snapped and bit every time the imprisoned mountain climbers turned around. Hunger stood on one side. ready gnaw out their vitals, while on HIREE women from Sumer, Pierce county, were made prisoners by a terrife storm on Mount Tacoma recently, and they broke -the record for the length of time spent in ice cares and snow banks, three miles above the sea. They were hemmed in by Ice and snow, and were It not for the heaviest fannels, stockings, shoes and wraps they would have frozen to death Inside of ten hours.

Mrs. J. E. Mitchell, Miss Josie Query and Miss Jean McFarland were the women who broke the high summer residence: ord. They were accompanied by Mr.

Mitchel and Sergeant Tail, the latter being resident of Puyallup. Their imprisonment caused their friends the greatest anxlety, but nothing could be done to assist -them until after the storm, -which -broke into -a hurricane just as they reached the summit of the mountain, had subsided. But until the storm finally did subside the two things that kept soul and body together on the mountain were the Juice of a few prunes and the little warmth that came up through the core of the great pile in the form of steam. Some of the pruncs were taken with the Mitchell party and some of them were found there, having been left by the Mazamas. The steam is always there, smelling of sulphur and brimstone, and reminding those who enjoy its warmth that Mount Tacoma was once upon a time nothing more than a huge smokestack three miles high.

When the Mitchell party started for their eventtrip the sky was clear and not until they were well up were there: any indications the storm. It was then too late for the party to retreat. All the climbers could do was to press on and on until they reached the summit exhausted. Once over the rim of the great crater the mountaineers hurried on to the Ice caves where the steam oozes up from the interior of the earth. The sun was.

sinking low, and darkness was coming on, but the climbers had little fear. They expect- From the Lone Star State -comes following letter. written by W. Gass, editor of the Mt. Vernon.

Herald: "I hare used -Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhora Remely in my family for -the pant- year, find it the best remedy for colic diarrhoea that I hive ever tried. effects are instantaneous and tory, and I cheerfully recommend especially for cramp colic and Tdiarrhoea Indeed, we shall try and keep a of it on our medicine shelf as long we keep house." For sale by Bros. Druggists. Itching Piles, night's horrid pleague, is Instantly relieved and permanently cured by Doan'3 Ointment. dealer ought to keep it: CLASSIFIED Want.

For Hale, and aimtiar will be insorted in column at the rate of dent a word for each insertion. No charge Jons than ten cente. WANTED. DOOM WANTED- Nicely furnished room with pear central portion of city, by two young men. Addreat 8.W, Leader ottce.

WANTED House You to kaow that hue John excellent Kelley storage rooms for furniture: 106 and 107 Bouth Washington street. -15d tf MeD barber trade. Uply eight weeks required. Gocd, ing situations furnished. Bet of tools donated, Write for illustrated catalogue.

postpaid Molers Barber College, Cincinnati, 10-2946t Two miich cows, Jersey preforred. K. Oder, 211, South Nebraska 10 30dtt FOR SALE. NOR SALE-A5 horse power upright steam engine and six horse upright boiler. Im quire at Leader office.

HORRENT OR eight BALE- rooms On and easy bath. terms, Corner 4 Adams and Fourteenth streets. Inquire On promises. 10-284 tr Its the Price other side stood stiffen Jack. their Frost limbs.

ready After. to sting and eating their last crumb on the third day the climbers crept to the rim of the crater and looked about. The storm: had left the top of the mountain, but was raging still on the levels. Nothing could be seen of the surrounding country but the tops of Mount Adams, Mount Baker, Mount Hood, Mount Jefferson and what appeared to be Mount Shasta, could be seen: On the fourth morning of their captivity the Mitchell party decided to scramble down the mountain side, although the wind was blowing at the rate of fifteen miles an The women were fastened to the life line and Mr. Mitchell cut holes in the ice for a distance of over a mile for the women to step in.

In that way seven and a half hours of painful work were required to cover the distance that had been traversed In ascending In 40 minutes. At the -snow line the Mitchell party met a Mazama rescue party that had been orgaeized.to rescue them. BITS OF HUMOR. must dislike Newcomb very much." as fiercely as a a a a a barber hates a bald headed man with a full Truth. you think short skirts make a woman look shorter?" Ethel "Yes; but they make the men look longer.

-Typographical Journal. MIs the in?" he asked of the bookkeeper. "Which one do you wish to sce?" replied. the bookkeeper, "the office boy or the typewriter Our minister does not jump at conclusions." should say. not.

I never knew him to reach conclusion in less than an hour." -Brooklyn Life. did Wall street get Its name? There la- no wall there." there le. I went it about a month after I began to specShe felt his breath upon her cheek. "Sir!" she protested; "you are going far!" That was what his breath would indicate; but according to the cyclometer their tandem had. covered 481 miles since they started.Detroit Journal.

"Say, Jimmy, you must excoose me. (Tillie Jukes said you was whistling de alley door las' evenin', but I didn't hear nothin'." "What wuz de matter wid yer "Say, don't you tice I'm wearin' me hair In de Cleo style?" who has not a reputation for scrupulous cleanliness, arrived the other day at the chateau of and some jokers had the curiosity to examine valise, where they observed the sence of hair brush or tooth brush. "How is that," said a guest to have not brought a toothbrush." no." answered N. then expected to slay only four days." Figaro. Senseless 1s senseleas without'a final cause.

Science not discovered the cause. Faith dur-1 "It is God," and science will accept reply in the end. -Rev. H. T.

ard, Congregationalist, Francisco, Cal. Evils of the -Too often fair maiden la Introduced to society to are developed which give a wrong the -ballroom, -and there- propensities ception of. life and Its responsibilities. aide! Rey. George W.

Hatch, Baptist, tho den, it A little child of J. R. rim near Colquitt, overturned a pot the ly that the akin came off its breast boiling water. scalding itself so limba. The distrested parents sent Mr.

Bush, a merchant of Colanitt, bo- a remedy, and be pre mptly The forwarder Chamberlain's Pain Balm way ring Intensely, bot by a ringlo application of the the Balm: Another application oF ice. made it sound and well. For ale Siddon Bros. Druggists that Educate Four Towels With Cascaratae Candy Cathartic, cura constipation 100. I a.

c. C. tall. druggists refund money. to; the Disfigurement for lifo by burns scalds may he avoided by using the Witt's Witch Ilazel tho remedy for -kin piles und for all Siddons kinds pores and troubles, both stores: and -Don't.

Tobacco Spitand Smoke Your Life and To quit abacco castly and Its I nctic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take Hac. tico makes weak it, strong All druggists, 50c or $1. Cure and. sample Remedy Co. Chicago or New bottle as To Care Constipation Forever.

Siddon Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic 100 C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. RIg Four Patio Ind.

pois, F.r show. Tickets on Nov 3 and 4, to return Nov, T. Your round trip. Arnold's liver pills. 75 pills 10 Po-t Ofice drug stora.

That Sells. Millinery just now, and WO happen to have sowe exceptionally desirablo patterns that were overlooked carlier in the ecason. They are the Acme of Style at Necessity Prices. The Culbertson Millinery Parlors. -L to too at no- his ab- him, Le has says, this Shep- the in con- Cam- living of severeand to.

for child Paint by tororet. or Degreat of Anar. mag No-Tomed guaranAddress York or 230. sale $4,15 fo nts FILLED That means somethingwhen applied to Watches. Filled cases are stronger than solid gold.

Filled cases. have gold enough to stand the most critical Inspection, and plenty heavy for Prices in Ladies! Watches $15 to. $25. Prices in Gentlemen's Watches $18 to $40. We have lower priced ones not so good and higher priced ones that are better.

PHIL DIELS, 418 South Washington St. A. C. WEYBURN Gives attention special to TUNING AND. REPAIRING PIANOS AND ORGANS.

Reforenced by leading musicians. All work guaranteed. eave orders at J. Mitchell's music store or W. W.

Kim ball stere. A Four Depot. Merchants' Freight and Moving a Specialty. Tolephones 137 and 359. 'M Established 1880,1 Dray.

-1895-10 Draye.J. B. McCLAIN, Dryman, General Hauling, Offico half block south of Big DR. R. A.

BARNES, euses, -Matter block, Blood and Lymphade Dis: Square. Old Phone, 530. Four Excursion Round trip tickets good for 21 days will 00 polion Oct 4th, 5th 18 10th, Oct. lat, 2d 15th and 10tb, Dec bth, Tub. Such, 21st, to points Florida, Georgia, Idaho, ladian Territory Alabama, Arizona.

Arkansas, I I Colorado Iowa, Kansas. Kentucky, Louisiana. MichiMissies Ne-Draska, New Moxico, North and South 1)a- North and South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tenuessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. one fare plus 12.00. Onion or address J.

B. Ross, Agent Big ASK TUEM, If You Want Information -Ilome-Seekers' Excursions. Tloket agents of the Pennsylvania Lines will -furnish Information HomieSeekers' Excursions to parts of th Northwest. West. Southwest and South.

will pay to investigate if trip. Apply to nearest Pennagivania Lin Ticket Ageut, or address 'W. W. Richardson District Passenger Agent. Indianapolla cd.

tole-81 One Way Excursion Rates to pointe 10 Soathern and Southeastern states' vis Big Four Railway. Tlewets op' seld Nov 16t Dec. 7th and 21et, 1507.. For full information regarding rates, routes and points covered. Call on or address, B.

R094, 11-4-12-23 Agent Big Four cute. 3.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.